Thursday, February 14, 2013

Art, what is it good for?

Art.  Some call it frivolous, a little extra something for fun.  I call it absolutely vital to human life.  It defines who we are as individuals and is a basic form of communication in all societies. 

Art keeps us free.  Ask any dictator.  Throughout history tyrants of every political and religious persuasion have tried to control their 'subjects' by controlling art.  The Taliban turns whole societies into slaves by banning all artistic expression.

The practice of art in children fosters creativity, learning and development in many other areas.  Learning the practice of art, through making pictures, sculptures, learning to play an instrument, write a poem or story, or sing, etc., makes all-important connections in the brain.  Creativity is the basis of independent thinking.  All societies need independent thinkers to grow and prosper.  

All children need training in art.  Children in developing nations perhaps need art more than in developed nations.  In developed nations basic art instruction for school children is almost universal.  We are exposed to very high quality artistic products everyday in subtle and profound ways throughout our mass media.  

Witness the difference between the drawings of typical school children of the west.  Some basic stages are noticed for children with basic art training throughout school.

Here are some photos of drawings by children between the ages of four and fourteen living in a developing nation.